There’s something L Ron Hubbard-ish about announcing you think there ought to be a new religion. Maybe religion is a little harsh. Maybe it would be more of a philosophy with moral implications. The fact is, if I was serious about getting a religion started, I would do it some other way. It’s just that the old established religions are mostly outdated and full of localized tribal thinking, and it might be time to step things up to reflect the smallness of mankind and the fragility of our extistence and the fragility of our environment.
I took religion in school for 12 years. I had a lot of time to think this stuff over, and I apologize if any of it sounds preachy, because that isn’t my intention at all. I am not a church goer, and I never raised my kids to be religious either. It’s out there if you want it, and there are plenty of eager beavers ready to reel you in.
In the context of my proposed new “religion,” people could still have Bar Mitzvahs and Ramadans and Buddhist prayer wheels and pope-mobiles. Have at ‘er! Take a break on Sunday or Saturday or Tuesday morning, it doesn’t matter. It’s just time to lose the dark ages thinking associated with cheering on the bearded guy in the clouds while hating the tribe next door doing the same thing slightly differently. If he is up there running the universe, he better not be spending precious time worrying about what it is I’m doing. I hope He’s keeping both hands on the cosmic steering wheel and giving my existence the zero attention it deserves. And if He really is desperate for our love and adoration, He probably likes all the existing religions about equally. Why would He only like the adoration from Muslims or Baptists or whoever?
The main tenet of the new “religion” would be that humanity is a single organism, constantly being reborn and renewed, and you are but one cell in its body. Suddenly hating other people wouldn’t be as appealing. There is some scientific merit to this point of view, too. Divided, we all have our own beat, but when people are together, their heart beats, breathing, walking strides, menstrual cycles etc all synchronize. Like little cells in a petrie dish, our metabolisms connect, and connecting with others is hugely important to health and happiness.
The next big idea that would maybe get religious people to stop bickering would be if we assumed that mankind was going off to be judged on our morality after we die, just not as individuals, but as a whole. That is, Bearded Dude makes one judgement that covers his overall impression of the human organism’s morality. That would make charity and helping others very appealing. Besides, it would be helping yourself in a roundabout way. As a side note, if this is what anyone’s God had in mind, I’d hazard a guess that humanity is in enormous trouble so far.
Of course, some people would take all this charity and abuse it and laugh at it. Murders would still happen, rapes and robberies would continue. Assholes would continue to enslave others and wreak havoc on the environment to line their own pockets. The perpetrators of such behaviour would be akin to cancer cells in the new model. Their removal from society would be a form of quarantine.
Since all people from all times are connected gentically, time could be seen as a complex illusion in which we are present in the past and the future. I am a middle aged man, my body no longer contains any of the cells I was born with, but they were the cells whose division and renewal begat me as I am today, and as I will be for a short time to come. Slight alterations in the straight continuity of time seems likely anyway. It would explain a lot of premonition-psychic-remembering the future stuff. I vaguely remember reading something about DNA transferring memories, but I could be mistaken and I frankly don’t feel like doing the research to find it.
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Our modern DNA is passed down from a tiny sample size of people – maybe as few as 20. Every person on earth has the DNA of kings, queens, murderers, saints, artists and madmen. We are all relatives. I guess what I’m driving at, time-wise, is that although my actual cells may come and go, my DNA is eternal. It is the same genetic lego blocks the cavemen were passing around. Although I have shuffled off a few mortal coils since, my DNA, and yours, was right there building the pyramids.
Just something to think about.