Well I must say I was initially pretty relieved to see the Big Cheezie, Donald Trump, lose the election last week. I found his pouting and unsportsmanlike behaviour a refreshing change from his gloating and lying. But then he started challenging the election process itself, saying his ‘victory’ was stolen from him, claiming massive voter fraud. In itself, this would be par for the course. The thing that was bothering me was the sycophantic horde of uneducated zombies who agreed with him, usually to the point of screaming and yelling at reporters or threatening election officials with violence. “This is what the 2nd Amendment is for,” is a message left for one official, referring to the right to bear arms being linked to having the ability to kill tyrants who become a menace to the republic. What ever happened to being gracious in defeat, and maybe even hoping the new guy does a good job, since you’re going to be stuck with whatever he does? We’ve gone beyond that now. (Americans more than us, although I hear some of this bullshit up here too) The bullies and poorly educated masses who can’t distinguish between truth and conspiracy fantasy have been brought out of the basement, into the light, and given some encouragement in terms of numbers and political representation.
I wonder how long it will be before some beer-bellied huckleberry in a muscle shirt assassinates a public figure? He will believe himself a hero, protecting his vision of America against the “deep state” and the “socialist whackos” who want to give him free medical coverage. Sure, he will get taken down and maybe even executed, but there will be other people from the trailer park tattooing his name on their arms, too. This is Trump’s legacy, aided greatly by the internet and its open sewer, social media. The suspicious, technologically lacking people who relied on jobs now done cheaply in China, have been fed nonsense that makes them feel like victims of secret elite groups. Who will get that genie back in the bottle? How do you explain to them that those manufacturing jobs left their country because greedy, rich American companies moved their operations to Asia, where labour is dirt cheap and doesn’t get a benefit plan or pension? They believe those jobs were stolen, like Trump’s election. I think if the political sides were more clear, geographically, like the north/south division of slavery in 1860, they might even launch a civil war.
Maybe America should start teaching critical thinking again. Soon! And maybe a few greedy, rich companies could bring some jobs back home. Sure it would hurt their bottom lines, and their products would cost more, but think of the social benefits of having that armed, paranoid dude working at the running shoe factory instead of reading about QAnon, polishing his assault rifle.
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When Trump becomes a vulnerable citizen again and has to answer for his obstruction of justice and tax evasion, I hope it will expose him as the new Wizard of Oz – a sad little man behind the big scary machine. And hopefully he will lose his lustre as the world’s top bully and braggart.
Murtaugh and the president s supporters love the way their man has shaken things up in Washington and broken with tradition. His unconventional approach may be exactly what helps him get re-elected.
And to be fair, not everything Trump has done has been bad. It’s just when I see conspiracy theories that are pure trash being cited as fact, and his supporters talking openly about kidnapping or killing officials over them, then it’s gone too far. It’s ironic looking on from outside, that the conspiracy theory believers have a mantra that people who don’t believe their bullshit are sheep, yet they believe whatever utter nonsense comes out of Trump’s mouth. And if anyone’s “unconventional approach” includes paying off porn stars, inciting violence, praising white supremacists, hanging out with people who traffic minors for sex, dismantling environmental protections and on and on, then I sincerely hope that approach doesn’t get him re-elected.