Well that’s just about it for another summer. It was long and hot, and now that we’ve moved to a townhouse and don’t have a yard, it was mostly an indoor summer. Sure, I still work outside, but after I came home at night I was lucky to go out again. At its peak it was 42 C or so, around 108 F, and it was too hot to do anything. Then things got combustible and fires sprung up around the province, burning the town of Lytton down at its climax. Today I am wearing long pants for the first time in at least two months, so clearly it is cooling off. Another weird thing about this summer was how little socializing we did. Mostly that was about Covid, but it was also to do with our new-found lack of entertaining space.
I watched a documentary the other day called The Social Dilemma, which showed how social media sites like Facebook keep feeding you stories and videos that are similar to ones you already watched. Sounds innocent, but the premise of the show was that if you are consuming misinformation, you will get videos that reinforce those points of view. After a while, a certain amount of the people will have been so bombarded with conspiracies and dangerous ideas that their world view will have been sucked down a vortex of bullshit from which they will never escape. I see evidence of this every time I read a news article about politics – the comments reveal that people can’t even have civil conversations any more. The comment threads devolve into name calling and worse. Of course, nowadays the first order of business when beginning a political discussion is to call your opponents idiots. In the debate between conservatives and liberals, one side tends to spell better than the other, but both are inflexibly rooted to their position.
The conspiracies are nearly all from a conservative point of view. Democrats in the US are “libtards” and satanic pedophiles, while in Canada Trudumb and the Liberals are trying to make Canada a communist dictatorship. Vaccines are poison and a plot to enrich scheming pharmaceutical companies, and billionaire wimps like Bill Gates in his preppy little sweater vest. Covid is a scare tactic to keep people locked away and controlled. Wearing a mask is a sign you are a docile idiot who can be led around. On and on it goes. I must be of a sensitive nature, because the bickering bums me out. I want to follow the news and read comments, but I might as well go open a sewer manhole and watch turds go by. And if you can operate a keyboard, even a little, (and, sadly, most people can) your opinion is probably as valid as any “expert.”
Fall will be here soon, and after the September 20 election I can go back to distracting myself with beer and hockey, interspersed with golf, eating and petting the cat. What Cletus and his chickens think about the state of freedom of speech or immigration can just fade away like the brownness of the lawn. As for the election: I don’t really care who wins, as long as they do a good job.
In regards to masks and offensive stuff like that, remember: To be a decent member of society, sometimes you have to put the needs of society above your own. It’s a big ask for some people who were raised to think compromising is giving in.
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