Nearly every day I stop and think: it’s been a long time since I wrote in my blog. But despite the fact I mostly sit at home doing not much, not even watching TV, I can never find the time to write anything. I think that being inactive breeds inactivity. Isn’t there some Newtonian law about bodies at rest tending to stay at rest? If there isn’t, there ought to be.
It’s Saturday night and find myself alone again, a bubble of one. The kids all have stuff to do, my significant other is working, and the cat is zero company at all. I understand staying away from people in general is a good idea right now, but I would really like to have an adult conversation with someone. And guess what? That person is you. Oh sure, you won’t get to say much, and you might find this lacking as far as a “conversation” goes because you can’t respond, but it will be cathartic for me, and, yes, I may just be that selfish.
Not really.
I need a haircut badly. It is long and straggly and keeps getting in my eyes. When I shower, it takes hours to dry, and if I open a car window, it gets so knotted up I can’t brush it. I have gone in search of a haircut a couple times but have been repelled by long lines and haircutters who have gone broke waiting for normal life to return. Your hair looks good. (This is me trying to converse with you.) Of course, when it comes to anything fashion-related I am mentally challenged, so who actually knows? Long hair wouldn’t be so bad if I could grow a beard, but I have the stubble of a grade 8 kid, and my arms and legs are so hairless I have been accused of waxing. I can grow a mustache if you have some serious time on your hands, but I mostly look pubescent for weeks while it gets going.
I think a lot about politics and the pandemic, but I don’t have anything to say that is going to help. At some point a person can just complain too much. What do you think about the upcoming US election? Race riots? Flocks of intermingling people spreading disease? Pipelines? Oh the interchange of ideas we could have! I would like to watch the news one day and hear about people having a 75th anniversary, or puppies being saved from Cruella DeVille. Some good news to put a lump in your throat and a big smile on your face. Maybe we could have contact with some aliens who could cure cancer, give us infinite clean energy and look like Jane Fonda in Barberella? Good news, large or small, would be welcome any time.
What I would like to see, although it seems naive to suggest, would be a gathering of people from all countries and societies and religions. They could come together and compromise, with the idea of conjuring up a societal model that everyone could live with that maximized everyone’s chance of prosperity, health, happiness. And also gave the world a lot less to disagree about. Dictators who are incapable of empathy and only want their egos petted would be turfed. They took a bunch of languages one time and cooked up an “international language” that was a Frankenstein made of words from all over the place and called it Esperanto. It never really caught on, but in a larger sense this is what I think the world needs. I don’t expect my idea of compromising on the big issues would work at first either, but maybe as a concept to be handed down and refined it could work. It should at least be run up the flagpole and see who shoots at it. Too naive? Too John Lennon? Too hippy?
When I was a kid, I wrote to some Esperanto group and got them to send me a starter kit of the language. When it caught on, boy was I going to be ready! Anyway, either they never responded or stopped responding after that, I don’t remember, but I do know they were out of business shortly. And it was sort of local, from Oregon I think. Kids, eh?
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