Hi there. My name is Brian and I live in Abbotsford, British Columbia. I have a menial job – doing maintenance on water meters – which would be pretty normal except that I am in Mensa. It suits me in a way, because I have always stayed away from attention, and I get to work alone most of the time. The main bad side to avoiding attention is when it trickles into my personal life, where I tend to keep even my friends at arm’s length. Mostly people seem to regard me as a little eccentric. Slippery and easily overlooked. I have toyed with the idea that I may have some form of Autism Lite which permits me to function reasonably well in society but keeps me a little bit of a lone wolf. By the way, when I say Autism Lite, I am in no way minimalizing the condition of people who actually have autism.
I am 53. I have lived with the same great woman for 18 years, and despite my claim of being slightly anti social, I have successfully managed to reproduce.
This blog will be a day to day stream of rants, observations and nonsense. Hopefully you will find it interesting.