And Then This Happened

I’m a shy person.  My method of communicating is writing, if possible, and the very last thing I would normally do is speak publicly.  My mother joined Toastmasters and hinted I should join too.  She signed up and within months was running the place, as being in charge is my mother’s special gift.  Me on the other hand, I agreed to go once.  I did a pathetic u-turn in the parking lot and went home – I never even got out of the car.  I’ve daydreamed that if faced with imminent public speaking, I may be able to will myself into a coma on command.

So I started writing a blog.  Then one day I noticed Burns Lake was winning the BC 50/50 all the time and I wrote about it a few times, noting how many wins they had and how much loot they had won.  Some people commented on this little series of blogs, mostly people who thought the system was somehow rigged in favour of the little village.  One reader named Trudy sent my blog to Global News, with my permission, as she correctly figured it had some news worthiness to it.  And then my greatest fear came calling: I got an email from the CBC asking to interview me.  After a few phone calls the process began.  There was going to be an online story that went with it, so I met up with Manjula Dufresne and she took some pictures of me.  Also, they informed me that the story was going to go national in the morning, coast to coast.  I was a nervous wreck.  When the reporter called I paced around the basement with the phone, chattering like a squirrel on helium, my voice squeaking with dryness, not breathing properly as I spoke.  The small bit of that conversation that made it to air sounded as bad as it felt.  It was ok, I had survived and still had my health.  I carefully critiqued my performance, thinking if I ever had to do it again all the changes I would make.

A few days went by and I got another email, this time from radio station CKNW and the producers of the Simi Sara show which airs four hours a day.  I fretted, I worried, I considered calling them back and telling them to forget the whole thing.  I even called my Toastmaster mother for advice. But we had arranged a time to do it, so I bit the bullet and put on my bravest face.  I was at work, sitting at the side of the road in my truck on a quiet street.  Simi called very punctually at 8:40 and we taped a few minutes of us talking about the Burns Lake story.  And guess what?  It turned out pretty well.  That may have been the biggest leap outside my comfort zone I have ever taken.  People who are comfortable doing this sort of thing might roll their eyes at that, but for quiet me, hiding in the back row, it was a serious step.

And the best part was I never willed myself into a coma.
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