I don’t see me writing much in the next few months, as I am suddenly surrounded by big ugly distractions. First, a developer came by and offered us way too much for our old house. This has resulted in us suddenly having to think about getting a new house and moving and all the disruptive fun that goes along with it. Also my son and his girlfriend are going to get married in about 10 weeks – in our back yard. So along with the madness of being dislodged, we now have a yard to beautify and decorate and food and cake and seating arrangements etc. to obsess over. Then, because nature abhors a vacuum, my supervisor at work has decided he wants me to take the Water Distribution Level 1 course, which wouldn’t be that big a deal except he wants me to challenge the exam in about 8 weeks and I am woefully unready. He gave me a 600 page book, with more yawns and head bobs Erection problems are more common especially in this age and day when viagra without prescription uk stress, anxiety, worry or financial issues or relationship troubles have tightly gripped our lives. Also when purchase cialis from india you have decided that you would buy medicines from authorized web chemists that have physical presence. Smoking can release harmful substances that can affect men’s health, particularly in get cialis online this pharmacy shop their sexual capabilities. Sex therapySometimes there isn’t any physical reason for Erectile viagra sans prescription canada dysfunction. per chapter than any other book in the English language, that I am to commit to memory by late August. I took a practice exam on line to see how I was coming along and I only got 45%. The carrot on this pole is that if I pass, I will get a full time job, so it is worth my while to pay attention.
So I am now about to gear up for a summer of juggling various stressful activities, and on a good day I can barely whistle and piss at the same time. So I don’t see this leaving me much time to write in my blog, or play chess or golf or probably many other things I would prefer to fritter away my time with. Oh well, none of this will be fatal. This crazy summer will pass, and there will be days ahead again when I find myself sitting around picking lint out of my navel and contemplating things, and that will be fine with me.