Well it’s time to tally up the BC 50/50 winnings from the little villages that do the winning. I had a question for the Lottery Corporation, and I only got an answer from them yesterday morning, which is why this took a week to get started on. In the last six months of 2018, the village with the big winnings was Pemberton, winning almost $23,000 more than Burns Lake in the same period. In fact, the gap is actually even wider, but I started out by only counting wins made at the Pemberton Petro Can gas station. It doesn’t change much, though, as almost all of the town’s winning tickets were bought there, with a couple wins from the Frontier Pharmacy not included. For the whole year, Burns Lake was still the champ, but it was close. First, the facts:
July: Burns Lake won 8 draws, $25,109.50, Pemberton 6 wins, $17,306
August: Burns Lake 3 wins, $11,380.50, Pemberton 4 wins, $13,732
September: Burns Lake only 2 wins, $4,210.50, Pemberton 7 wins for $19,770.50
October: Burns Lake 3 wins, $5667, Pemberton 6 wins, $23,272.50
November: BL 9 wins, $44,985.50, Pemberton 8 wins, $43,496
December: both towns must have been on holidays after all the money they won in November, as each town only won one draw, BL for $6219 and Pemberton for $2732.50.
Total for the six months: Burns Lake 26 wins for $97,572, Pemberton 32 wins for $120,309.50.
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Here is the info that the BC Lottery Corp sent me in response to my question about how much the average 50/50 win is and how it has increased since its inception. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to make it any clearer. It looks great until it gets inserted into this story.
If your best spectacles aren’t handy, it says the average win has doubled in the last four years.
The BC 50/50 started a couple days before Halloween 2012. It replaced the Sportsfunder 50/50 that used to draw every half an hour, and at off peak times often had prizes of $10 or less. I won it a couple times, $33 once and I think $11 another time, when I had to fish my ticket out of the trash at the pub. The BC 50/50 only had four draws a day, so the prize was much higher, even at the beginning it was usually over $800, even in the slowest times. Oh, except for the first time I won it when it was nearly at its lowest ever point, $671.50.
The first year or so, the little town that was winning like crazy was Fort St James, population 1700. They won like Burns Lake for a while, then they petered out. Even at the start it was dominated by small towns and obscure gas stations. Maybe someone moved from Fort St James to Burns Lake around 2015? Of the larger cities only Kamloops and Victoria seem to win their share. If Vancouver, Surrey or Burnaby supported this lottery the way Burns Lake and Pemberton do, the prizes would be huge.