“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
I’ve seen this on Facebook a lot recently, so I felt the need to respond.
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While this is sort of true, if it were being said by someone 120 years ago, that truth would include Phrenology, the planet Vulcan, interplanetary ether and a whole host of other ‘truths’ that have passed on.
There may be absolute truth out there, but scientific truth has had many examples of being temporary. A widely held scientific ‘truth’ that is going to die sooner or later, in my opinion? The theory you can mention to a group of scientists in the year 2100 and have them laugh until beverages come out their noses? The Big Bang Theory.
Great, thanks for sharing this post.Really thank you! Awesome. Seley
Thanks and you’re welcome, all at once.
Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. Seo Plugin
Ah yes, this comment again. You’re probably still right about all this stuff, but I really am a small operation. I am uber busy tonight, but over the long weekend I will watch the video.
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Traffic is good, but I don’t want to pay for it. Thanks for your input.
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This is interesting. After the free trial period, what are my options for getting out if I’m not satisfied?
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Ah the good old internet footwear shop! I’m not sure how this applies to anything on my blog, but thanks for dropping by.
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I buy very few dresses online, (or anywhere really since I am male.) I’m no good for business, but keep up the good effort.
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My kids have all grown up and have to find their own shoe sizes. If one of them happens to wander into Russia – which I would be glad to see them do – I could recommend your site.
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Baffin boots sound pretty good, but our winters aren’t that bad here and the shipping costs from Russia would likely make it a poor economic choice. Good luck with them!
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
Забегая вперед, скажу, что после раскроя остался приличный кусок – дочке на куртку. Фасон пальто-пуховика 16 января 2016 | mane4ka | комментарии:
I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
Туалетная вода Christine Lavoisier Giorgio Fellini Ambre Soleil, 100 мл за 410 руб. Кажется, в вашем городе нет магазинов Юлмарт, использовать почтовую Женщинам Женская одежда Женская обувь Женские аксессуары .. Туалетная вода «Ambre Soleil» серии «Giorgio Fellini » – это симфония
I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
Многие предприятия, не выдержав конкуренции с турецким и В 1965 году она была преобразована в базово- экспериментальное предприятие по Министерство обороны требовало новой, облегченной обуви). В СССР , например, легкая промышленность давала 33 процента бюджета.
I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
Только красивая, удобная, модная и стильная обувь дает женщине своей жизни события: торжественный прием, праздничный обед, выпускной вечер,
I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
вскричал старик и торжественно поднял свои иссохшие волосатые руки . — Экзамен по Единственное, что он не согласился сменить, была обувь . . Н е может быть, чтобы Костыльков хотел подшутить над своими учителями.
As happy as I am to see comments rolling in, I wish some of them had something to do with the content of my blog. I am all in favour of the existence of a Moscow Flea Market, but it isn’t represented in my writing.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind leaving comments in English, and somehow pertaining to the blog, I would be grateful.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff. If you think this is harsh, I apologize.
I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
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I welcome feedback on my blog, but I would really prefer it to be in English (sadly, the only language I speak) and to be pertinent to my blog, not simply a place to connect with others to sell each other stuff.
If you think this is harsh, I am sorry.
Very good forum post. Really Great. Maslyn
Really informative forum. Petry
Thanks. I think of it as an equal split between serious ideas and silly stories.
Ӏt’s really a great and useful piece of information. I am satisfied
thɑt you shɑred this ᥙseful information wiith us.
Pleasе keep us informed like this. Thankѕ for sharing.
Thanks! Don’t forget though, I do write a lot of nonsense too.
I think the admin of this ѡеb page is truly working hard
fօr his web page, for the rеason that here every mаterial is
quality based stuff.
If the admin were working hard there would be a lot more content!