The Full House

I started writing this incomplete blog last summer, and I never published it because I didn’t want any of the people sleeping around the house and yard to feel guilty.  Since then, each of them has found a nice place to rent, and the basement and back yard are free from campers.  Now this is like a little time capsule of a manic summer gone by.  Looking back it was a little like what I’d expect spending a week or two in a lifeboat awaiting rescue to be like.  I’m sure they felt the same way and won’t be offended any more.  So what the hell?  Might as well send it off into the internet and get it out of my draft box.

Well so much for being empty nesters!  Looking back to March 2016… (insert harp music here) I was writing a sad little blog entry about the last kid leaving the house and how we never expected any of them to return.  Oh the long lonely nights I was going to be having!  I wasn’t saying necessarily whether I was going to be enjoying those nights or suffering loneliness, but they were on the way.
Fast forward to August 2017, and let me tell you, the nest is a long way from empty. Actually it started filling up again not long after the delusional aforementioned blog. At some points since that time, we have had as many as 8 people living here in our little house. We have two people living in the living room on the floor and another one in a tent in the back yard. The lawn is covered with toys and sprinkler devices and the guts of a trailer under renovation. Every walkway is an obstacle course of bikes, toys, hula hoops and junk. The kitchen is currently free from the usual teetering stacks of Tupperware, but only because I have devoted an hour or so to cleaning it. Still, the kids need various amounts of help, and we are obliged to provide it. And for the vast majority of the time, the company is enjoyable. We do a lot more laughing than complaining. It’s just that there is a certain feeling of being squeezed for space that is more likely to increase as the weather cools in the fall and sleeping on the lawn or in a drafty trailer loses its glamour.  Another threat to the availability of space is the youngest offspring is eight months pregnant. Soon there will be another person here, albeit a really small one. Our lives will soon be divided between times we are tiptoeing around and shouting to be heard.
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See?  That wasn’t so bad.  And here I am 6+ months later, and the nest is empty again.

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