Huddling Indoors

I haven’t written anything in quite a while.  That’s an opening sentence I’ve used a few times, sort of my version of ‘once upon a time.’  When I started writing this blog, I thought of it as a way to get out of my comfort zone and be a little more interactive and expressive.  I think my desire to be expressive comes in waves, and the last six months or so has been the trough between waves – the low point in the cycle.  But I think the time has come to get back out of my comfort zone and interact a little bit.

That said, I don’t really have anything pressing to say.  I’m as disgusted with Trump as I’ve always been, but I’m becoming numb to the constant bullshit and idiotic, often racist, rants.  He hasn’t accomplished anything.  The only thing he can brag about is the record high stock market, which he didn’t actually do.  If the weather is good this summer, he will probably take credit for that too, and his half wit yokel supporters will believe it.

Glutathione, the major antioxidant of the body, requires this mineral levitra no prescription for its normal functioning. Evidence for the clock: Researchers know that metabolism and the biological clock are cialis professional canada connected. There are two types of enzymes available female viagra buy in the market and choosing the right one is essential, which is possible by taking help from a medical advisor. It appears that these are likely involved in the generic cialis soft process. Men sure are in trouble these days.  Everywhere you look some man has been whipping it out or groping someone.  That was fine while the women were intimidated and keeping quiet, but now the jig is up.  It turns out, if a woman wants to see your sausage, she will probably ask.  According to the Amy Vanderbilt Book of Etiquette, if no one has asked, it is polite to keep the old boy zipped up.  Of course some of the recent offenders have done a lot worse things than expose themselves, but I’m surprised at how many of the cases were just that.  I’m a regular guy, but I don’t ever remember wanting to show off my junk.  Frankly, it would seem like a really good way to embarrass yourself.  Yet that urge has shattered careers near and far, and every day it seems another man gets dragged into the spotlight to be removed of his status by the masses.  Oh, except the president.  He brags about sexual assaults and his victims have come forward to confront him, but no mention of him getting in trouble or losing his job ever comes up. Movies may have to be cast with women in fake mustaches playing men because soon every male actor will be a convicted sex offender.  Once when I was in my late teens, I went to the mall with a friend of mine.  He was at the till buying something, and the girl at the till was asking him for ID for some reason.  I probably knew why then, but my god, that was 600 years ago now.  Anyways, he was dyslexic and very easily frustrated, so he wound up pulling out his peeper and twirling it around, saying “here’s my ID!”  Today, he would be on page one of the paper.

I’ve had my fill of winter.  It has hardly snowed or even gotten cold really, but the weather is grey and bleak and clammy.  The days are short and mostly gloomy, and I haven’t sat on my patio and had a beer in months.  We live indoors this time of year, dashing from the house to the car and back when necessary, but huddling in the warmth the vast majority of the time.  There is a little songbird that comes around in early spring.  It has a distinctive two note mating call that is the soundtrack of the season.  I have no idea what bird it is, maybe you know and could tell me?  The other day I heard the little song, so I know spring is not far off.  That first day I drive home from work with the window down and the radio on, and I get home and start the barbecue is probably only four or five weeks away now.  Hallelujah!

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