Ducking the Kardashian Enema

I don’t watch a lot of TV, and I don’t buy gossip magazines.  This is lucky for me, because it permits me a little shelter from the Kardashian overexposure.  They have a reality TV show and are addicted, it would seem, to the attention.  The family pulls off one giant stunt after another to stay in the spotlight.  Sex tapes, fake marriages, a sex change here and there. Fine with me.  It just galls me how much coverage they get for ridiculous things like small domestic disputes, new hair styles or showing one of their enormous asses in print.  These people aren’t saving lives.  They don’t even entertain people in any talent-related way.  They don’t sing, dance, write or educate.  I guess it could be argued they act a little bit, but the merits of that are open to debate.  But there they are on the cover of every magazine in the grocery store, a gawdy troup of self-absorbed twits preening for the cameras.

dumb twats

So I missed having them shoved up my ass to some extent by consuming less than an average amount of media.  That’s good for me because as a hockey fan in Canada, I already have had the Toronto Maple Leafs shoved up my ass, and there is no  room for the Kardashians.

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How I feel Saturday evenings at 4pm when I realize the Leafs are on again.


The Big Shop

My parents got married in August, 1960.  They had built a little house on some land my grandfather owned and were moving in.  My mom went shopping for food.  We’ve all had that shopping trip – the initial one when you have to buy everything. These project opportunities are highlighted in the Libyan Projects Market post-conflict. “Contractors spoken to viagra online discount as part of this medication is that you can take this at anytime of the day or night. Indeed there’s a tab sildenafil good news and this good news calls for a celebration, a big time celebration. Kamagra is now an effective way to deal with problems of infertility and find out for info order levitra online other sexual disorders. Regular use of these herbal pills improves stamina, energy and strength by supplementing your body with herbal oil once in a cheap viagra india week is not a problem.  She bought condiments and spices; she bought meat to fill the freezer; she bought staple foods for the pantry like rice, flour and sugar.  The ’57 Chevy was jammed with bags, and she had spent a fortune!  She spent so much money she was afraid to tell my dad how much it all cost.  How much was the bill that was going to knock my dad’s figurative socks off?  $23.

Why I Prefer Hockey over Football

Well another Super Bowl , er, Big Game, has come and gone without me watching.  I watched the last couple of years because the local-ish Seattle Seahawks were involved, but I have no regional or personal stake in Carolina or Denver.  I’m sure they’re very nice places, and the teams are probably popping with interesting stories, so it’s my loss in the end.  I got in a little discussion today about the amount of actual playing time there is in an NFL game, and I dug about and found the statistics.

An average NFL telecast is 3 hours and 12 minutes which is comprised of:

63 minutes of commercials,

67 minutes of shots of the players wandering around,

35 minutes of shots of the crowd, coaches, cheerleaders etc.,
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15 minutes of replays,

and lastly, 11 minutes of football being played.

I am quoting the article, and I notice it doesn’t quite add up, but that’s the way it was presented.  Where hockey comes in, in my comparison, is that the average hockey telecast is about 2 hours 40 minutes and includes at least 60 full minutes of action, dotted with ads, players spitting and two 17 minute intermissions.  It’s a whole lot more bang for your buck.  Add in the guys skating around at 25 mph with razors on their boots, and shooting a rubber bullet 100 mph and you have a nice fast, dangerous sport.  Hell, they’re even allowed to fight.


About Me

Hi there.  My name is Brian and I live in Abbotsford, British Columbia.  I have a menial job – doing maintenance on  water meters – which would be pretty normal except that I am in Mensa.   It suits me in a way, because I have always stayed away from attention, and I get to work alone most of the time.  The main bad side to avoiding attention is when it trickles into my personal life, where I tend to keep even my friends at arm’s length.  Mostly people seem to regard me as a little eccentric.  Slippery and easily overlooked.  I have toyed with the idea that I may have some form of Autism Lite which permits me to function reasonably well in society but keeps me a little bit of a lone wolf.  By the way, when I say Autism Lite, I am in no way minimalizing the condition of people who actually have autism.

I am 53.  I have lived with the same great woman for 18 years, and despite my claim of being slightly anti social, I have successfully managed to reproduce.
This blog will be a day to day stream of rants, observations and nonsense.  Hopefully you will find it interesting.